Crime Stoppers Nova Scotia embarks upon crucial fund raising campaign

Unsolved Crime Publications, an organization dedicated to increasing awareness and raising funds for Provincial Crime Stoppers Programs, is sponsoring our annual Telephone Appeal in the Province between September and October 2018.

 Funds are being raised to help publish our 18th Annual “2018 Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Awareness Guide” designed to increase public awareness regarding the Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers Program and highlight “Unsolved Crimes”.

 Private Citizens are being asked to be project sponsors and businesses are being asked to purchase advertising.

 An overall donation goal of $40,000 will help Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers to continue their important Crime-Solving Programs for the benefit of all Nova Scotians.

 For further information, please contact Unsolved Crime Publications NSCS Calendar Office (Toll Free) at 1-800-890-4090.