Theft in Annapolis Royal

Crime Stoppers and Annapolis Royal Police Department are asking for the public’s help in solving a theft which occurred in Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia.

Sometime during the month of August 2014 there was a theft at the Annapolis West Education Center while renovations were going on.

The following items were taken.

A CHEX Air Hockey table, Concept 2 Rowing Machine, a number of stools.

If you have any information on this or any other crime please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or submit a Secure Web Tip at hhtp://

Also by TEXT “TIP202 plus your message crimes ( 274637)”.

If your tip leads to an arrest you could qualify for a cash award between $50.00 and $2,000. Remember Crime Stoppers wants your information not you name